Marston’s pub landlord replaced after three arrested in police drugs raid
A LANDLORD has been sacked after North East police arrested three people following a raid on a Wearside pub.
On Friday May 17 officers executed a warrant at the Highwayman pub in Lambton, near Washington, after complaints from local residents about drugs related activity at the pub.
A 22-year-old man was arrested on suspicion of offering to supply drugs, while two women, aged 45 and 39, were arrested on suspicion of possession. All three have been bailed pending further enquiries.
In response to the raid Marston’s Brewery area operations manager Rob Robson said the pub had been closed temporarily and a new licensee installed.
“The pub has now reopened under experienced new management and the new licensee and has introduced a very strict anti-drugs policy,” he said.
“Going forward, the new management will look to make the pub a family friendly, community pub with the highest possible retail and security standards.”