
What is Real Cider?

Real cider is a long-established traditional drink which is produced naturally from apples and is neither carbonated or pasteurised. However real cider is in a similar situation to that which faced real ale some 30 years ago with the number of outlets for real cider diminishing, even in the West Country.  The situation with perry (which is made from pears) is even worse, as it is rarely available away from the farm gate. It is unfortunate that many of the most well known ciders in the UK are cold, fizzy keg products which have been produced artificially rather than naturally.

Information from

Tyneside & Northumberland Cider Pub Of The Year 2012

Former branch cider and perry officer Lisa Barron said: “It was encouraging to find that after having only 12 pubs in the whole of the North East nominated for the title of Cider Pub of the Year (CPOTY) last year that 11 were put forward in the Tyneside and Northumberland branch in 2012.

“This was more than any other branch in the North East area – Tyneside and Northumberland you did us proud.”

The pubs nominated to become Cider Pub of the Year in Tyneside and Northumberland were.

Tyneside: Oddfellows (North Shields), The Cluny, The Cumberland Arms and The Free Trade Inn (all Ouseburn, Byker, Newcastle) and The Kings Manor (Manors, Newcastle)

Northumberland: The Boathouse (Wylam), The Feathers Inn (Hedley-on-the-Hill), The Leaping Salmon, The Sun Inn and The Three Horse Shoes

“Judging was to be slightly different this year,” said Lisa. “Each branch were to judge the pubs nominated in their area, with the best being put forward to be judged for the regional award.”

The winners for the Tyneside and Northumberland branch were:

Tyneside – The Free Trade Inn

Northumberland – The Feathers Inn

“We wish good luck to them both for the next stage of judging,” said Lisa.

Save Our Scrumpy – Real Cider threatened by minimum price

Real Cider producers are worried that the government’s proposed minimum price for alcohol could see their prices double and orchards close.

To sign the e-petition calling for Real Cider – traditional farmhouse scrumpy, bought from the barrel – to be exempt from the changes visit

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