Sonnet 43 makes Ultimate Sacrifice for Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal
County Durham brewery Sonnet 43 is set to donate 10% from sales of casks of its latest beer to the Royal British Legion’s Poppy Appeal.
The ninth beer out of 43 in the firm’s one off “Count the Beers” series, 5.7% ABV plum porter Ultimate Sacrifice takes its nameĀ from an inscription on the World War One memorial found in the village of Coxhoe, where the brewery is based.
Production saw around 1,000 plums added at conditioning to give a “sweet yet tart tang”.
“We did hope to take some inspirations from the flower synonymous with the cause & use poppy seeds within the brew, however decided against this due to their opiate properties,” a spokesman for the brewery said.
Money raised will goes towards helping war veterans stay independent and helping those injured in recent conflicts recover, as well as supporting military families and teaching children about remembrance.
It should hit bars around the region this week.