Property experts hope 26 North East pubs will have new landlords by Christmas
Property experts say the number of people looking to save North East pubs remains strong – though supermarkets continue to circle.
Christie + Co’s Newcastle office has recently sold six pubs in the city, Gateshead, Chester-le-Street, Bedlington, Ferryhill and Shildon to new landlords who want to keep the businesses going.
And it says it hopes to see a further 20 taverns in the region change hands before the year’s end.
“We are very pleased that the robust market has continued through to the end of the year and certainly the signs are looking good for a continuation into 2014,” said the firm’s associate director and pub negotiator Mark Worley.
“The Attic in Newcastle, The Barrington Arms in Bedlington, The Black Bull in Ferryhill and the Queens Head in Shildon have all been bought by experienced pub and bar operators and investment is planned in each site.
“The Borough Arms in Gateshead and Studio nightclub in Chester-le-Street have also been bought by existing operators but are to be operated as food-led licensed outlets.
“It is very pleasing to be able to report that the vast majority of licensed businesses which are sold across the North East are being retained as pubs and bars,” he added.
“Indeed we are currently negotiating the sales of a further 20 sites which will hopefully complete either before the year-end or in the early part of the New Year and the overwhelming majority of these are being purchased with a view to on-going pub use.”
However, Mark also revealed that one pub – The Torrens in Sunderland – has also recently been sold for conversion into a shop.