Allendale Brewery overwhelmed by response to its new look
Allendale Brewery’s Claire Charlton said she has been “overwhelmed” by the response from North East drinkers and landlords to the Northumberland firm’s new branding.
The company, which celebrates eight years of brewing with a Valentines Day tap takeover at Newcastle’s Free Trade Inn, in Byker, last week unveiled a new set of pump clips and a new brewery logo, to coincide with a major expansion of the brewery itself.
And the reaction to the change, which has seen more realistic images of animals replaced with more colourful, cartoon-like designs, has been immensely positive.
“We’ve been overwhelmed and thrilled at the positive response to our new designs both from the trade and the general public,” said Claire, Allendale Brewery‘s export manager.
“Though we’re still hoping to get more feedback, as we always use it to move forwards and ensure we’re on target with our beers.”
We asked Canny Brew readers what they thought of the new designs through our Twitter account, @CannyBrew, and on our Facebook page.
Gateshead Beer Festival organiser Andy Bourne said he thought they looked “brilliant.”
“We think they’re really eye catching and worthy of a great brewery,” he said.
Dad of two Dan Gee, 26, a team leader at the Gosforth Hotel, in Gosforth, Newcastle, which was sent the new Pennine Pale ale clip said he was “definitely liking the new branding,” while musician Phil Cox said he thought the new designs looked “eye catching.”
And assistant manager of the Kings Arms in Seaton Sluice, Northumberland, Christopher Jackson agreed.
“I love the new branding for Allendale Brewery beers – it’s a look to match the taste,” he said.
However, the redesign has not convinced all drinkers, with Lancaster university Phd student Steve Wright unsure about the prominence of the beer names over the brewery’s.
“I look for Allendale Brewery,” he said. “I know their beer is good but these put beer name over brand.”
Allendale Brewery – The first eight years
“It is great to be able to look back on the last eight years and see the incredible progress we’ve made and the reputation we’ve built for ourselves,” said Claire.
“The market has progressed and the quality of locally produced beer is far superior to that of 2006, and we are proud to have been part of that momentum as it is beneficial for everyone, both breweries and drinkers.
“We are very fortunate to have some excellent local competition and that keeps everyone on their toes and brings the best out of us.
“It would sound embarrassing to say out loud and probably very clichéd to read but we really love what we do, and we’re passionate about the quality and taste of the beers we make, so our main goal is -and has been for the last eight years – to spread that passion and knowledge to all and sundry.”