
What is LocAle?

LocAle is a campaign which aims to promote local brewers and to help the environment at the same time by keeping the distance travelled between pub and brewery small.

How did it start?

LocAle was devised by the Nottingham Camra branch in 2007 following the demise of local brewer Hardy & Hansons. Since then CAMRA has rolled out the scheme on a national basis, and the Tyneside and Northumberland branch scheme was launched in August 2009 at the then North East  Pub of the Year, the Boathouse in Wylam.

How does it work?

The concept is very simple – the branch offers accreditation to pubs or off licences which commit to sell at least one locally produced real ale at all times.

Each branch is allowed to specify exactly how they define LocAle and in Tyneside and Northumberland it was decided that, due to the vast distances between pubs in Northumberland and the majority of breweries, any tavern constantly serving an ale brewed within the branch area could be eligible for accreditation.

If I’m a landlord constantly selling a locally brewed beer and a Camra member suggests it’s LocAle, is that enough to claim I’m accredited?

No. In the Tyneside and Northumberland area you have to be officially made part of the scheme by a senior Camra branch committee member.

How do you become accredited?

If you are a landlord or off-licence owner and would like more information, or you are a customer and know of a pub which constantly sells local beers, please contact the branch LocAle co-ordinator, Dave Vaughan, by emailing locale@cannybevvy.co.uk.

What do you get for becoming accredited?

We provide information leaflets, posters, pump crowners and window stickers to help drinkers spot LocAle and accredited LocAle pubs.

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